
Axios Errors Handling

With try-catch async function fetchData() {  try {    const response = await axios.get(‘’);    // Process successful response data  } catch (error) {    if (error.response) {      // Server responded with a status code outside the range of 2xx      console.log(‘Server Error:’,;    } else if (error.request) {      […]

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Laravel Cache and Configuration Clearing Commands

Here are the cache-related commands and configuration clearing commands available in Laravel:   Cache Commands: 1. Clear Application Cache:    php artisan cache:clear     This command clears the application cache, including the default cache driver.   2. Clear Config Cache:    php artisan config:clear     This command clears the configuration cache, allowing Laravel to re-read

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Laravel variable naming conventions

In Laravel, variable naming conventions typically follow the PHP naming conventions. Here are some common practices for variable naming in Laravel:   1. Camel Case: Variables should be named using camel case, where the first letter of each word is lowercase and subsequent words start with uppercase letters. For example:    $firstName   $totalAmount   $isAdminUser  

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Persist the SSH agent and the added key across terminal sessions by using the `ssh-agent` service.

If you want to persist the SSH agent and the added key across terminal sessions by using the `ssh-agent` service.   1. Open a terminal.   2. Run the following command to start the `ssh-agent` service:    eval “$(ssh-agent -s)”     3. Add your SSH key to the agent by running:    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Persist the SSH agent and the added key across terminal sessions by using the `ssh-agent` service. Read More »

Mastering Validation in Laravel: Essential Methods for Form Validation

Post: Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, offers a robust and efficient way to validate incoming data. Proper validation ensures that your application handles user inputs securely and accurately. In this post, we will explore the essential methods for performing validation in Laravel, allowing you to build reliable and error-free web applications. Let’s

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Understanding the query() Method in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM for Dynamic Query Building

  In Laravel, when using the Eloquent ORM, you can directly use methods like `where()` or `orderBy()` on the model itself without explicitly calling `query()`. For example: // Retrieve users with a specific condition$users = User::where(‘age’, ‘>’, 25)->get();// Retrieve users with multiple conditions$users = User::where(‘age’, ‘>’, 25)->orderBy(‘name’)->get(); In the above examples, we directly use the

Understanding the query() Method in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM for Dynamic Query Building Read More »