How to make role “admin” using Sanctum

To implement role-based authorization in Laravel Sanctum, you can use a combination of Sanctum’s token abilities feature and Laravel’s gates and policies.

Here are the basic steps to implement role-based authorization using Sanctum:


  1. Define your roles and abilities: Define the roles and abilities that your application requires. For example, you might have an admin role with the ability to manage-users.
  2. Assign abilities to tokens: Use Sanctum’s updateTokenAbilities() method to assign the appropriate abilities to each token. You can do this when the token is created or updated.
  3. Implement gates and policies: Use Laravel’s gates and policies to implement authorization logic based on the user’s role and abilities. You can define gates and policies in your AuthServiceProvider or in separate policy classes.

Here’s an example of how you might implement role-based authorization in Sanctum:

  1. Define your roles and abilities:
$roles = [ 'admin' => ['manage-users'], 'editor' => ['edit-posts'], 'viewer' => ['view-posts'], ];
  1. Assign abilities to tokens:
  1. Implement gates and policies:

// In AuthServiceProvider.php

public function boot() { $this->registerPolicies(); Gate::define('manage-users', function ($user) { return $user->hasRole('admin'); }); }

With this setup, you can use the @can Blade directive or the Gate::allows() method in your controllers and views to check if the authenticated user has the required abilities. For example:


// In a controller method 
public function manageUsers() { if (Gate::allows('manage-users')) { // User is authorized to manage users } else { // User is not authorized } }


Overall, using Sanctum’s token abilities feature in combination with Laravel’s gates and policies can provide a flexible and powerful way to implement role-based authorization in your application.


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